Monday, December 15, 2008

Latest Toenail Update

My toenail (the "stayed home" toe one) finally came off last night in bed. I didn't even feel it come off. The nail underneath is around 1/3 of the way grown in so it's not near as gnarly as I was expecting it to be.

It took from August to December for that one to fall off, so I am guessing my big toenails will be falling off in March.

Oh, and I went to Hungary last week. Not much to report except that I hate the Budapest airport workers who went on strike. Oh and I have a new favorite 'fair' food: Kürtőskalács. They Here's a picture of one being made:

And the finished product - in different flavors:

They have the lovely crunchiness and taste of a toasted marshmallow - without being sickeningly sweet. I had one (or two) every night after I found them. :)