Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Julie and Mimi both tagged me with this tag game - I am to list seven random things about me and then tag seven other people. Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and leave a comment on their blog, so that their readers can visit yours. Her name is linked above.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share 7 Random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 random people at the bottom of your post, linking to their blog. Let each person know by leaving a comment on their blog. (if you don't know 7 bloggers, just tag who you know)

I am the death of all things like this: chain emails - "send a recipe to 7 friends" or "send a pair of panties to 7 friends" pyramid schemes. So to humor everyone, I will give you some random facts about myself, but I don't plan on tagging anyone else. DIE GAME DIE.

1) I like hoodies.

2) I like James Taylor.

3) I like saying "fact-check."

4) My feet are perpetually cold.

5) I use a mini-fridge as my end table

6) My cat bites my head at night sometimes.

7) I like how facts these ended up in order by length.

Product Review - Viactiv - 5 Stars

I don't like taking vitamins. The last time I remember liking them was when my mom would buy Flintstones. And even then I think I only wanted Dinos.

But I bought these and I really really like them. They are like a chocolate-flavored starburst.

There are a bunch of different flavors and some nonsense called a Flavor Glide™ but I can only endorse regular old chocolate. I think I remember the canister being like $6 and there are a ton in there. I suppose if you have rugrats around the house you would probably want to hide these because they totally taste like candy.

Monday, April 28, 2008

The Spiderweb Patrol

On Friday, NI gave the day off to anyone who went and did volunteer work on that day. I <3 NI.

A group of 6 of us were assigned to Lyons Gardens Assisted Living in East Austin - off Pleasant Valley Rd. This is really quite a scary neighborhood so I wasn't sure what to expect as I was driving up. As I got within a block or so, I saw these cute little walkup townhomes and thought to myself - well those are cute - I am glad someone built those here. Well, it turns out - that was Lyons Gardens! It's an apartment complex for low income seniors - 58 units - built about 4 years ago.

We were all assigned different jobs from their "job jar." Things like hanging pictures, hanging curtains, flipping mattresses, and the benign sounding "sweep spiderwebs from the stairwells."

4 of us were assigned to the spiderweb job. They gave us telescoping brooms and sent us on our way. So between 10 and 3 (with 30 minutes off for lunch), I swept spiderwebs, spiders, spider eggs, and other spider stuff from stairwells and hallway ceilings of this place. It was a really satisfying job, because it made such a noticeable different - and a few of the residents even came out to thank us (probably because I banged my broom against their door). So I was feeling pretty smug about all my hard work and good deed for the day.

And then I saw what the other volunteers from NI did: You used jackhammers????

I will not be complaining about some spider webs on my shirt or my sore neck.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Yes I know I've been Neglecting my Blog

And I intend to continue neglecting it until I have something interesting to post.

I think I am going to start doing some more product reviews.

Anyway - just wanted to put SOMETHING up here so that people would know I haven't given up on it completely - just having quite a normal life at the moment.