Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Oh yeah all the Chinese gymnasts are 16. For sure.

From an article here:

It was strange to see such tiny women with so many muscles. (Shawn Johnson of the U.S. team is small –- 4 foot 9 and about 90 pounds –- but these gymnasts are even smaller.)
Deng Linlin, 16 and about 68 pounds and 4-foot-6, had veins popping out of her forearms.
Jiang Yuyuan is listed as 16, 4-foot-7 and just 66 pounds in the China Daily newspaper’s Olympics section that ran last week. He Kexin, a favorite to win gold on the uneven bars, is 73 pounds and 4-foot-7.
The tallest and heaviest of them all — and certainly the most famous — is Cheng Fei, China’s most decorated gymnast. She is 20 years old, 4-foot-10 and 94 pounds. She will vie for the all-around gold, but her specialty is the vault, where she performs one of the most dangerous ones out there.

Pretty sure they aren't going to Mighty Fine Burgers after practice.


Sailing Blue Lake said...

On Good Morning America they discussed the age of the Chinese gymnasts. They are definitely younger then 16 years. Experts looked at things like their head, face, eyes, ears etc. Your face grows at different propertions depending on your age. Your eyes' iris size is larger when you are younger. And so forth. Looking at these different features, the experts said these girls are anywhere from 10 - 14yrs. Which is sad. China produced passports which says their age is 16 years, but passports are very easy to falsefy, especially if the Olympic hosting country is China! People have found some of these gymnasts on the internet from a couple of years ago, where their age was depicted as 12 etc. The Olympic committe has said it will not investigate since the passports were turned in as evidence of their age.

Mimi Burleson said...

Apparently, the Chinese gymnasts are chosen from a very early age, say 3 yrs old, and sent off to train for the rest of their lives. NO THANKS!!