Thursday, July 3, 2008

~Day 5~ First Day on Production and July 4th! and Lunch Details

Just a regular day here in Debrecen. We started work bright and early this morning and the silence has already fallen over the room. I mean, dead.silence. Oh well, at least they're working.

I'll do a pie chart before I leave for Budapest but it's just too soon to see any results really - not even 1% finished yet.

So I just went to lunch. I mentioned that Hungarian cafeteria lunch is always a crapshoot, right? Today's lunch was soup (fine), a peach (stashed in my purse because it was hard as a rock), and 2 cinnamon rolls. Huh? Just on a plate like a regular entree. I ate one bite because I figured even a rabbit would try a nibble. And after that bite, I really didn't want anymore cinnamon roll so that worked out nicely. If any Hungarians are reading this, I sincerely apologize for talking smack about your cafeteria food, but I think most of you will back me up on this one.


Sirocco said...

Nem utál ágyunkon étel , Amerikai falusi menyecske!

Mimi Burleson said...

the julie that you have listed to the left on your blog isn't our julie:)

Unknown said...

Oh thanks Mimi!

And Robert - did you say "Don't hate on the inedible food you bossy hick American"? Because that's what my online translator says!!!

Sirocco said...

Close enough: "Don't hate on the food, American wench!"

Unknown said...

Boy Kate... he really nailed you on that one ;)

TexPatriate said...


I like PIE !

Sirocco said...

After thinking about it, I think you can go ahead and hate on the food as long as you post about your adventures. :)

Hope the training is going well.