Monday, June 30, 2008

Hungarian Product Non-Review

So I was doing some more shopping at my favorite local grocery store tonight (p.s. I found good grapes!) when I saw Hot Dog-flavored Cheetos.

I actually picked them up because I knew my audience would want me to try them but after inspecting them further, I put them back. There are only two possible outcomes: 1) I wouldn't like them, thus wasting money and food, or 2) I would like them and then I would be tempted to eat them all. As some of you know I am eating mostly rabbit food these days, and Hot Dog-flavored Cheetos are most certainly not eaten by any non-genetically modified rabbits.

Here is a picture stolen from someone else's vacation:

If you would like for me to bring some back for you to try, let me know and I will try to remember to get some on my last day here.


TexPatriate said...

Well, "Premium" M&Ms are also not consumed by rabbits, but I figure that just means there's more for the rest of us.

My LORD, but the Raspberry Almond ones are delicious !

Sarah said...

I say try em. I found Cheeto's 'enchilada' flavor to be pretty damn good. Course now I can't find them again anywhere.

I still have a hard time with 'Ketchup' flavored chips.