So when I saw Santa Fe style crack, I had to try it. I've been eating a lot of rabbit food lately so I need something to change it up. I really like these too! 5 Stars!

My friend at work, Ann, likes these plain salted ones, but I just don't understand why you would ever choose plain tortilla strips over MSG-smothered tortilla strips. Who knows.

Well, if your brain exploded when you accidentally ingested MSG, you would understand the benefits of salt and nothing else.
Thank the Lord for stuff WITHOUT that evil substance, like the super-ossum most scrumptious Fire-Roasted Tomato & Olive Oil Triscuits.
(And now, a moment of silence for the death of Hamburger Helper at my house. Yo, disembodied Hand man ! Get a clue !)
I eat a lot of rabbit food too so this crack might be a nice way to mix things up for me! Thanks for the tip!
So here are the ingredients for the Southwest ones - I actually didn't see MSG but maybe there is something else that is really MSG but named differently:
Corn Masa Flour
Safflower and/or Sunflower Oil
and 2% of less of the following:
Tomato powder
Corn Syrup Solids
Jalapeno pepper
Autolyzed yeast extract (wha?)
Lime juice solids
Disodium Inosinate <- questionable
Disodium Guanylate <- questionable
The two that you have marked as "questionable" are not MSG.
The "autolyzed yeast extract" is usually something that I look askance upon, even though it's not official MSG.
Thank you for giving me credit for introducing you to crack, but I have never had these in my life!
Mimi I think pregnancy has already gone to your head. You brought them to the lake one year when you were in charge of salad. I distinctly remember it!!
You are officially crazy! I wasn't even at GLW that year. I ran this past Michele, the voice of all reason, and she agreed.
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