Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Promise More Posts at the End of the Month

I am heading back to Hungary at the end of this month to do some additional training, so I will try to post something daily during that week. I am not promising quality content people, just quantity.


TexPatriate said...


Actual postages ?

I say Kate has a ghost poster -- who eats ghost toasties.

*runs away*

Brian said...

What on earth are ghost toasties? I only ask because they sound very light and intangible in a delectable guilt free sort of fashion.

Unknown said...

Yeah I was running some queries at work (3 to be exact) so these were all done during the run time. Who knows - might even have more tomorrow.

Brian said...

Running some queries huh?

Do you have that small stab of excitement when the data returned is exactly what you wanted and you did it on the first try? I am willing to bet that you do.

I bet you write SQL queries to determine what to have for lunch on any given day (9 times out of 10 it's hot pockets).

You know I <3.

Julie said...

Quantity is good! I felt like I won the lottery today when I saw four new posts on your blog! I'm still trying to avoid the reality of not being on vacation anymore because this work stuff is totally over-rated! Please keep the distractions coming.