Friday, November 16, 2007

~Day 11~ Porno King

Ok so I walk in today, and one of our team leads (Adam) walks up to Misty and I and starts to ask us a question. Misty, who does not have ADD/ADHD, just listens to the question and possibly answers it (I don't even remember). I could do nothing but stare at the 5-inch hot pink letters on his black t-shirt.


He's really been doing a pretty good job and he's the person who unlocks the doors at 8am (so that I don't have to be there) so he could wear a t-shirt that said pretty much anything except "National Instruments Sucks" and I wouldn't care.


TexPatriate said...

My LORD, woman !

You can't put that title up and then just stick in "placeholder".

Enquiring minds want to KNOW !


Sirocco said...

I assume it's the name of a Hungarian fast food chain.