Wednesday, November 21, 2007

~Day 16~ Wednesday Before Thanksgiving

Milestone - 100,000 Records Resolved!

This morning we resolved our 100,000th record. I was going to post this on the board, but I really don't think the stewards will be too excited. In my Understanding Hungarian Culture class, Carol Watson said that Hungarians think Americans are too theatrical. So I'm putting this on my theatrical American blog for you other theatrical Americans and Canadians to see.

There is still a long way to go (478,000 more to be exact) but it's a big step and it's great to see.

Update: Couldn't help myself. Wrote it on the board and this is pretty much the response I got:

I got a couple of smiles too but pretty much they just kept working. God love 'em.

Lunch Update: You know it's a bad sign when there is NO ONE in your line and a BUNCH of people in the other line. It's also a bad sign when not only could I not match the food I was looking at to the lunch I picked, I couldn't match it to anything on the menu. I do like their clear soup thank goodness. :)

Night Update: Got home at a reasonable hour so I ate a little something and then went to the DaVinci exhibit. It was neat but small. Favorite part: gift shop!


Unknown said...

Loved the whoopdedoo emoticon. But in the big picture, your first 100 K is great. Keep up the good work. Have a great Thanksgiving (if they do that there) and if not, you will be thought of while we are eating turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce (the good kind) etc. ha ha


Unknown said...

They don't do Thanksgiving here, but it should be a slow day because no one in Austin will be working. Of course there is really only a couple of hours overlap so that it starts getting busy for me at about 4pm.

I'll try and have something resembling turkey tomorrow. Thanks for giving my blog address out to Howard - that was a nice surprise. :)

Sirocco said...

100K here, 100K there, next thing you know you're talking about REAL ... uh ... something or other.

I'll eat some turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin pie on your behalf, you being stuck over there and all. You can enjoy your Thanksgiving meal vicariously.

No, no, please don't thank me ... it's just part of my naturally compassionate, thoughtful nature.

Unknown said...

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I'm pretty sure my lunch for tomorrow is 3/F/S with a side of today's pear from my purse.

Oh wait! Joy! My lunch is the FITNESS menu - Spaghetti with bacon and cheese! I <3 Hungarian Fitness!!!

TexPatriate said...

Turkey bacon, right ?

And. . . cranberry cheese ?

Shelly said...

You should have stood in front of the group and said, "TA DA!" with your biggest, bestest jazz hands ever. That would have won them over for sure.