Monday, November 12, 2007

~Day 7~ First Day of Training

Placeholder for Non-Work Stuff Here:

Work Stuff:
Just completed our first training class of Hungarian students today. Instead of 15, we had 23 students, which was ok but unexpected. Our schedule was this:
10:00am - 11:45am - Presentation
11:45am - 12:00pm - Quiz
12:00pm - 1:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - 3:00pm - Practice on Guardian

Graded tests over lunch - mixed results. When we got back to the training room, we got everyone set up on computers and logged in on Auditor. That last sentence sounds so easy but trust me, it was like herding cats. I am checking results of their practice tasks right now.

Oh - highlight of the day was a task of everyone with the first name/last name of F*** and Off and every combination under the sun. I took a picture of the task for posterity. It was a big hit in the training class.

Ate dinner at Palma tonight. It's my new favorite restaurant in Debrecen! I had roasted salmon with fried mozzarella on top with some kind of red sauce and potatoes and Misty had pork medallions with croquette potatoes. That plus two drinks and two desserts and our total bill was $44 including tip! I can't get over how inexpensive Hungary is.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the ding ding hao!

TexPatriate said...

Kate --

Not that this has anything to do with your blog, but. . .I just got the Borden Star today and Mr. Copeland is on the roof. Thought you might want to know. =(

Unknown said...

OMG Samantha you cannot be leaving stuff like that in blog comments. I almost missed it! Awwww Mr. Copeland. :(

What did he on the roof of?