Thursday, November 8, 2007

~Day 3~ - If it's Thursday, I must be in Newbury

**Placeholder for Non-Work Stuff Here**
Oh this morning on tv, they were talking about chicken pox vaccine here. They call getting a 'shot' getting a 'jab.' Ow! I guess shot sounds pretty bad too. :)
Dinner Tonight is going to be at Sun in the Wood. I was told there are no bangers, only mash, but there are some fantastic-looking puddings. Here is a picture of the restaurant.

And here we are:

They didn't have bangers - only mash, which was delicious. I also learned a lot of new British terms.

Like: bunches means pigtails
Plaits means braids
And pudding is generic for dessert - i.e. "what kind of pudding are you going to have?" "ice cream" Crazy! Of course they though Misty and I were crazy when we said that we use Coke as generic for soft drink. "What kind of Coke do you want?" "Sprite".

Lunch update: Vicky took Misty and I to the grocery store and they had to drag me out of the store. It is so interesting to see what all is available here. I also got a British coin lesson. After we got back to the office, we went to the BP station to get a Diet Coke (it had been more than 24 hours people). I stocked up and also got this:

It's um yeah interesting. Glad I tried it but probably won't get another one. Regular Coke gives me 'teeth sweaters' (phrase credited to Vallory Martin) anyway.

Work stuff:
Had a call with Tunde and Nanetta to finalize details of the data stewardship training and overall plan for how the whole project is going to work. Finalizing user setups - found out they only need Windows logins to use Auditor so that will be faster to set up than Oracle logins. I am going to send over the Auditor test document to Tunde and Nanetta for them to review.

Update: found out logins won't be available until tomorrow which is cutting it rather close. Hoping the Help Desk Europe can set them up and put them in the correct Citrix group tomorrow. We won't be actually using the logins until Monday afternoon, but it would be much preferred to have them first thing Monday.

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