Monday, November 26, 2007

~Day 21~ Two - Scratch that - Make it Five (!) New Data Stewards

Work Stuff:
So I walk in today and find two new data stewards happily working along with their friends. This is great because we had requested more people from the agency in order to finish more quickly. It's also nice because they are friends with two of the better data stewards, so they are able to explain how things work in Hungarian. One minor detail: no one told me they were coming today! :)

So I quickly got them set up on Guardian and they are going to work there until 10:00 (this post is a little after the fact). Sent Zsolt an email asking him to set them up on Athena so once I check their quality, I can put them right to work.

Also saw Dana Fisher and Anna Sowden at breakfast. We might do dinner sometime this week. They are leaving Friday.

Oh! And I just found out we are going to have more data stewards in the 2:00pm shift as well. Update: 3 new data stewards started at 2:00pm. One has nem English - but speaks German which is um yeah great. :)

Had two false positives reported to me today. I have seen 3 total so far and have fixed them all on Athena.

Non-Work Stuff:
Nothing so far.
1:38pm update: still nothing :)
6:35pm update: yeah not a lot besides work today. :)

1 comment:

Sirocco said...

All work and no play makes Kate a ... oh, never mind.