Wednesday, November 14, 2007

~Day 9~ First Day on Athena

Non-Work Stuff:
Found out that "clear soup with paste" on the menu for tomorrow MIGHT mean "clear soup with pasta" Score!

Work Stuff:
Got to work at around 7:45am to meet the first group of 10 students who are starting to work on Athena. The first shift is going to work this schedule:
8:00am - 11:45am Work
11:45am - 12:15am Break
12:15am - 2:00pm Work

Almost all the students are doing well. When we started them on Athena, we asked them to check with us on every single task they resolved before saving. This seemed to work well, and we are going to use this strategy for the 2:00pm shift as well.

We had Search Criteria ready for them (i.e. one person is doing Potential Duplicate/Score 12.2) and another is doing Potential Linkage/12.2). We also had them write their name on a sign and post it in front of their desk so we can learn their names (and know who to axe if needed).

1 comment:

TexPatriate said...

Hey --

Email me your address there so that I can send out your care package.