Saturday, November 3, 2007

Deep Fried Mac and Cheese? Really?

So I am watching a little tv as I do a laundry marathon today and I see a commercial for Sonic Mac and Cheese bites.

From Sonic's web site:

Today I'd like to introduce the term "unrestricted eating." It refers eating whatever you want, whenever you want it. Like macaroni & cheese, for example. Typically, you'd need a bowl, spoon and both hands to enjoy this quintessentially American dish. Lucky for you, SONIC® invented Mac & Cheese Snacks—a cheesy favorite packed into crunchy bite-size morsels. It's portable and pop-able. Which means you can now have Mac & Cheese anytime, anywhere. So like I said, it's "unrestricted eating." Got it?

Don't get me wrong. I like Sonic. But do we really need to be able to eat mac and cheese in the car? The only thing keeping Sonic from being on my personal "On Notice" board is their commercials. Oh and Route 44 Vanilla Diet Cokes with Extra Ice™. ;)


Anonymous said...

Mac & Cheese belongs everywhere. Hi Kate!

TexPatriate said...

Varsity Grill has these up here as "appetizers". They are one of their biggest sellers. They fry them as little "football" wedges.

Did I mention that they are spectacular ? Yummy !