Tuesday, November 27, 2007

~Day 22~ I think I've Learned Everyone's Names Now

Work Stuff:

It's harder than you'd think - learning 40 people by their names. I feel like a teacher. They all know me but I mostly know them by their logins and by their error and speed rate.

We're making good progress - for those of you who are following along at home, here is an updated pie chart. Red is finished/blue is unfinished. We are on track to finish December 6th. A coworker from the UK is going to take over next week and help finish up (Thanks Vicky!!). It's a pretty tight ship and they can troubleshoot most things themselves, but you never know what might happen - new data stewards might show up, for example.

Non-Work Stuff: I saw on the subway platform in Budapest that there is a Marks & Spencer in Debrecen so I am going to try and find that tonight. Might also walk over to Tesco (or brave the bus if it's really cold). The buses seem fine as far as cleanliness and time - I just don't know the schedule and how to buy a ticket. I want to make the most out of my last week here - and I can't think of a better way than supporting the Debrecen economy!

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